Thursday, May 12, 2005


Samvit, who is intending to attend the NYC Reunion, succumbed to our requests for his picture and write-up! Samvit's been living in Stamford, Connecticut for the past two years. He works for a small design/ intellectual property firm in Stamford, where he invents and designs new products, which are then pitched to large manufacturing companies. The goal of this process is to collect royalties on the design! The firm's designs range from "ultra-modern, stupidly expensive buildings to cool hi-tech gadgets to practical hardware appliances!" Sounds like your work keeps you on your toes, Sam!
Besides working and going to the beach, Samvit says that there isn't too much to do in Stamford, and so he spends a lot of his free time in Boston and NYC. He looks forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming reunion!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blasvit! Wow! Sounds like you're donig something you'd really enjoy...and that's the whole point isn't it. Keep up the good work, I guess. And stay crazy...don't let that change, ever. Take care of yourself.